Drunk Driving Statistics 

*This year 10,839 people will die from a drunk driving accident. 

*One person will die from drunk driving every 50 minutes.

*1 in 3 people will be in an alcohol related crash in their lifetime.

*Every 48 seconds a drunk driver makes another person eligible to park in a handicapped parking spot.

*1 in 3 8th graders drink alcohol.

*Every minute, one person is injured in an alcohol related crash.

*Kids who start drinking young are seven times more likely to be in an alcohol-related crash.

*There are over  24,000 DUI arrests a year  

*Our intuition towards the facts listed above make us feel worried about our future that lies ahead. Many dangerous car accidents around the world have lead to the death of thousands of innocent people, mostly from drinking and driving. Today, we see false commercials about people who believe that getting drunk is fun and will solve your problems. How do you feel about this? We are anxious and impatient about this problem today. PUT A STOP TO DRUNK DRIVERS!